WHO's position vis-à-vis the e-cig undermines the scientific community

WHO's position vis-à-vis the e-cig undermines the scientific community

Is the electronic cigarette becoming the greatest scourge of this decade? This is certainly the feeling from the report by the World Health Organization (WHO) published last August. While the electronic cigarette market continues its explosive growth, it is urgent to provide adequate supervision for the benefit of consumers. However, WHO wants stricter rules than that proposed by the European Parliament and throwing a cat among the pigeons.


Why the media lynching?


Scientists are quick to question this report. As explained by Dr. Gerry Stimson, emeritus professor at Imperial College in London, "the WHO goal is to save lives and prevent disease [...] this report extrapolates the risks from electronic cigarettes and minimizing its potential for saving lives to continue its fight objective targeting tobacco-related diseases". Viewed in this perspective, we understand now that the WHO is not against the electronic cigarette, but that it could overshadow the whole anti-smoking campaign created by the WHO.


A communication error with serious consequences?


Preserving its anti-smoking campaign, WHO greatly minimizes the benefits of electronic cigarette. Proof is the vape the debate in public places. According smoking addiction professor Anne McNeill, "We know that electronic cigarettes do not produce the thousands of chemicals from cigarette smoke, 70 of which are carcinogenic. The WHO report concludes that the secondary vapor electronic cigarettes' generates less toxic exposure that smoke from a fuel''. This conclusion is sorely lacking in enthusiasm".Dr. McNeill and points to the minimization of WHO conclusions. Indeed, this conclusion on the secondary steam, the spearhead of the prohibition on the use in public places, would reopen the debate if this was the WHO's will.


According to the scientific community, coaching stricter proposed by WHO will curb the spread of this alternative to traditional cigarettes. Between the United Kingdom authorizing the vape in public places and support of the League Against Cancer for electronic cigarette, WHO will she turn around and realize that we all have a common interest: Exit smoking.

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